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Jeannie is an excellent presenter, and generous with her care.

No better use of time or money – healthy satisfying relationships are the key to longevity and vitality.

“The workshop was a positively wonderful experience. Many thanks for sharing your love and expertise with us!” – May, 2024 Participant

“Imago has been great. I have noticed a change in my relationship with my partner from the first day til the last day.” – May, 2024 Participant

“I appreciate how safe the workshop was. Jeannie was confident – and while the workshop took us to deep places, it all felt safe.”  – May, 2024 Participant

Leaving this workshop with a ton of insight, gratitude, and connection. THANK YOU! – January 2024 Participant

Jeannie created a beautiful, safe space for just to come as we are and leave as we hope to be. It was full of giggles and tears, learning and unlearning – a power way to create everlasting changes in my marriage and beyond. – January 2024 Participant

I cannot recommend this workshop strongly enough. When we started we were already sure we were divorcing. Both of us have committed to using these tools to stay together. – January 2024 Participant

My wife and I attended, and I was ready to divorce. We recaptured the ability to laugh and love this weekend. – January 2024 Participant

Excellent workshop! Highly recommend for strengthening and building communication with your partner. – March 2023 Participant

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