The Present

The dash between the dates of birth and death is life.  Are we present or distracted?  Committed to our own growth or “confessing others’ sins” for them?  Are we grateful, or taking it for granted?  Are we focused on what we love / desire or re-creating the same pain over and over?

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the present?  It is now.  Within this moment is our power to live intentionally.  To live fully into our potential.  To self actualize.  To choose and therefore be empowered.  To be grateful.  To be kind. To be generous. To appreciate our children or our partner.  To be aware.  To notice life in the precious present moment.  And therefore to find life’s deeper meaning.

Slow down today; take it in.  This is life and our chance to make the most of it.  We can let it fly by with what feels like increasing speed, or we can savor it.

When my good friend Gary Hales was in the dying process, he winked as he said “each moment is a gift; that’s why it’s called the ‘present'”.  He was positive, clever, wise and kept his sense of humor to his last breath.

Moseley teaches the same each and every day.  Speaking of savoring.  We are savoring each other in her 13th year.

Turn off the electronics, get here, now; sense, feel, watch and listen.  Notice the creatures; notice the weather, notice the sunrise, sunset, your pets, your children, your beloved friends and family.  Be kind to yourself and others.  Notice how people return a smile.

Savor the present.  Find joy in this moment.  Live the dash fully.  This is where it’s at, folks.  This is where we will find what we’re looking for – joy and life’s richer gifts.

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